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Nucaps Nanotechnology, S.L. Natural nanotechnology for Nutrition and Health

Cover image of Nucaps Nanotechnology, S.L., Biotecnología e investigación médica venture on VC4A

NUCAPS improves people’s health as we help to produce better food, supplements and drugs by making nutritional ingredients stable, easy to absorb, healthy and natural.
Nanocapsules of Food Proteins, a natural, safe and efficient solution for oral administration of bioactive ingredients, drugs and probiotics.
Diet related illnesses (heart disease, obesity, diabetes…) are the largest cause of death in western countries and this has increased worldwide the demand for functional foods, fortified foodstuff, diet supplements, nutraceuticals and probiotics to prevent these diseases.
(Statista expects that, by 2025, the market for functional foods will grow 48% and for nutraceuticals 112%. 690MM€ SAM).
But producers face great difficulties to manufacture innovative products, the results show a bad taste, or low stability, or have no real effect on health and they are very expensive
The problem is that most of these healthy ingredients cannot be absorbed by our body due to fast degrad

Sectores Biotecnología e investigación médica, Alimentos y bebidas, Nanotech
Ubicación S.L., España
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