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MwanaLishe Mlo bora ni Kinga

Cover image of MwanaLishe, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

MwanaLishe is 3 years business which observed a huge rate of malnutrition and poor diet
across the community in Tanzania and identified Large number of death to beloved members
of our families, occurance of chronical diseases like 57% of pregnant women and children
under 5years are anemic, 34% of children under 5years in Tanzania born with low weight of
under 2500gms. Which all of them are caused by malnutrition,malnutrition reduces life
expectancy,impairs physical and mental growth,leading to poor brain development, poor
school performance and low productivity.However,the nutritional food market value is
$5.40 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow to reach $11.08 billion by 2029 at a rate of 9.4% in
forecast period of 2022 to 2029. This is
driven by the rise in health consciousness,increase in
demand for nutritional and dietary
supplements.Hence MwanaLishe came to solve the problem
of malnutrition by producing and providing affordable, and readily accessible food b

LocationDar es Salaam, Tanzania
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