Mungwe TEA Estates In order to boost tea production and create more jobs for the youth, Mungwe Tea Estate is proposing to scale from Current 20 acres to 35 acres then to 130 acres to address youth unemployment by creating over 500 new direct jobs and other hundreds of indirect jobs. This further, addresses the current gaps in tea production thus adding 60 and 520 metric tons per month respectively. This will be achieved through one acre tea estate model that will be gender sensitive. (Starts with one youth entrepreneur training 5 youth on an acre, 5 youths entrepreneurs who were trained in turn each trains other 5 new youth per acre, trained youth in turn trains other youth and the process is iterative) The Strategy will scale the One Acre Tea Estate model, from 20 to 35, then by 95 acres in the district to make a total of 130 acres. It’s estimated that this investment is to cover a total (130) acres of tea, creating 650 direct youth jobs and other indirect jobs Sectors Crop farming Location Kampala, Uganda Stage Sign in to view details Markets Sign in to view details Customer model Sign in to view details Revenue Sign in to view details Contact Sign in to view details Social media