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Medhelp App Marketplace for patients` to sell assets and pay-off medical bills

Cover image of Medhelp App, HealthTech venture on VC4A

Marketplace for patients` without medical aid to list and sell their assets to cover their medical bills

In Zimbabwe out of 16 million people– 14.2 million people have no medical insurance, and 9/10 patients cannot afford to pay their medical bills, often leading to dire consequences.

Our solution is a patient-centric marketplace where patients can sell their assets and use the funds to pay off their medical bills and improve their access to healthcare facilities. This marketplace will also allow buyers to purchase assets and contribute towards saving a life.

$100 000 USD to impact more than 10 000 patients`, develop the system, mobile application and USSD platform as well as register for medical insurance license.

Sectors HealthTech
Location Zimbabwe
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