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Malkia Mwema Ltd ThinkLogic Innovate Solve Grow

At the moment, I am the business development manager at Malkia Mwema Ltd. As a former educator, my desire to see positive change in the education sector has led me to pursue this position. Malkia Mwema Ltd, an ICT company, has developed  an application that can bridge communication between the parent and the teacher, assisting the child’s performance through interactive sessions. When parents participate in their children’s learning and development, they benefit. Children whose parents actively participate in their education have demonstrated high academic achievement and a positive attitude toward school in several instances.This product would be an addition to the current system, which now includes parents in course work. We still have a long way to go in ensuring that parents are fully involved in one‘s child’s performance. Mobile technology will allow  parents and schools to communicate instantly and without the stress and worry that physical meetings entail.

SectorsEducational services, Information technology, Software as a Service
LocationNairobi, Kenya
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