Choose language online gifts superstore and brand merchandising company

Lucy is a multi-niche e-commerce platform that provides business-to-consumer and business-to-business sales of customized products and branded merchandise for corporate gifting, promotional items, event gifting, hotel amenities and supplies. We are a convenient alternative in a billion dollar niche market that is currently 97% brick and mortar in Africa.


We have created an online platform that helps buyers find products to buy and personalize/brand from manufacturers and vendors in Nigeria and from all over the world, our business model is e-commerce and we fulfill customer orders using a special dropshipping method.


We have served several individuals and big corporations including Shell, Halliburton, Phillips consulting, Google and many others, we have sold over 1,000,000 products worth close to $1,000,000. We are looking to build the most expansive and easy to use e-commerce platform in Africa.

Lucy is 3 years in business, secured a pre-seed investment f

SectorsE-commerce, Logistics, Specialty retail
LocationLagos, Nigeria
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MarketsSign in to view details - in urban areas
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