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LetsFarmApp A one stop center for Agriculture services in Uganda.

Although Uganda’s agriculture contributes 25% of gross domestic product, 40% of exports and employs 70% of the working population, 70% of farmers are smallholder farmers based in rural areas whose operations are greatly affected by limited access to quality markets, market information, extension services, quality inputs, agricultural credit and poor record keeping (77% of farmers in Uganda do not maintain records). This has resulted to declining production and smallholder farmers have remained the poorest segment of Uganda’s population (80% of smallholder farmers live below the international poverty line) (World Bank Report, June 2018).
The proposed solution is “LetsFarmApp” that connects smallholder farmers to agro-produce buyers, extension workers, input providers and financial institutions through Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) code, web and mobile application. Farmers without smartphones use the option of USSD code to access services offered by LetsFarmApp.

Secteurs Agri-entreprise, Culture agricole
Emplacement Mbarara, Ouganda
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