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Learnright Educational Consult Ltd Learnright... Lead your world!

Cover image of Learnright Educational Consult Ltd, Consulting and business development venture on VC4A

Learnright Educational Consult Ltd

Learnright Educational Consult Ltd

Learnright Educational Consult Ltd is an EduTech company. We specialize in the provision of services relating to modern education such as…Curriculum development and implementation: which involves instructional material design that meets day to day Learning activities. Business development and basic economic education: starting from ideation to full business. Practical STEM education: using 21st-century skills using an integrative learning approach to teach the concepts of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Through Learnright, we are driving an entrepreneurship tech-hub using game based approach where business owners/entrepreneurs across various economic sectors will attract viable market opportunities, networking and collaboration as entrepreneurs trade with their value products/service creation.
The business model we operate is B2B2C. The population of entrepreneurs in Nigeria is about 41 million.

SectorsConsulting and business development, Educational products, Educational services
Location Abuja 900108, Nigeria
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