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La Cana, Productos con Causa, SA de CV Transforming prisons into places of opportunity

Cover image of La Cana, Productos con Causa, SA de CV, Fabricación venture on VC4A

La Cana, Productos con Causa, SA de CV

La Cana, Productos con Causa, SA de CV

We provide training to incarcerated women in different knitting, sewing, and embroidery techniques, as a way for them to learn new skills in which they can earn an income away from crime and violence. The products are based on original designs that we produce and market. They are destined particularly for children, including handmade dolls, toys, and clothes, among others. We also partner with different designers and brands, to manufacture their products and include incarcerated women in their production processes.

Each one of our products is 100% handmade, original, and unique. These products tell the stories of the women that work with us, generating empathy in our clients, raising awareness and thereby, reducing the social stigma associated with imprisonment, while meeting consumers’ demand for products that contribute to positive social goals.

Our job-training activities are complemented with workshops that contribute to the well-being and empowerment of incarcerated women.

Sectores Fabricación
Ubicación Ciudad de México, México
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