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KUNE Solving the lack of quality affordable meals in Kenya

Cover image of KUNE, Comercio electrónico venture on VC4A

Kune is Solving the issue of food wastage by most restaurants and food delivery services by mapping the area supplied by an individual hub and using the delivery data to plan for meals preventing food waste.
Kune is solving the massive lack of quality affordable meals available in Kenya.

Since our launch last November, we had a pretty successful journey:
– We run a successful pilot (500 meals delivered to one tower – we tripled our customer base in one month).
– We secured an agreement with Carrefour to deliver their 7 retails across Nairobi.
– We raised 1.1M$ from an all-star advisory board (Bonduelle Factory Director, Untapped General Partner, Bamboo Capital Investment Manager).
– We are building a food factory in central Nairobi to produce 5k meals a day
– We assembled a winning team (Head Chef from NAS Servair, CPO from Tropical Heat, CMO from Scan Group, COO from Glovo).

We are solving global warming by using electric motor bikes

SectoresComercio electrónico, Producción alimentaria, Logística
UbicaciónNairobi, Kenia
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