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Kollysonaffluemce Mobile Healthcare We provide access to medical facilities and mobile healthcare

Cover image of Kollysonaffluemce Mobile Healthcare, Healthcare venture on VC4A

Kollysonaffluemce Mobile Healthcare

Kollysonaffluemce Mobile Healthcare

Kollysonaffluence Mobile Healthcare involves in provision of easy access to medical facilities through mobile healthcare system and training to millions of people in rural areas who suffer from cardio-respiratory diseases, dermatological problem, diabetes, Cardiovascular diseases, Infectious disease, especially among women, old people, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Appropriate medical device and telemedicine system are necessary to in order to achieve our goal. Hence, we are in partnership with companies that supply the necessary medical gadgets and mobile apps.
Our healthcare consulting firm is specialized in helping clients overcome their health challenges and ultimately achieve their personal health goals.The scope of our business offerings covers areas such as health coaching cum counseling, planning and monitoring exercise programs, planning and monitoring food programs, planning and monitoring nutrition programs, promoting healthy eating habits and encouraging regular

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