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Gecoso Enterprises Ltd. We diversify honeybee products with affordable price and quality

Cover image of Gecoso Enterprises Ltd., Agroindustria venture on VC4A

Gecoso Enterprises Ltd.

Gecoso Enterprises Ltd.

Gecoso Enterprises LTD is focused on selling is labeled jars of Gecoso pure natural honey, bee wax, propolis, royal jelly, pollen collection, bee venom, queen production, and selling of live bees for both local markets and international market under the brand (The liquid Gold). The company is striving to offer an effective, consistency and continuous supply of affordable and value-driven honeybee products. We provide gold standard service of bee products that contains all vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants to every customer by packaging different sizes, allowing pure natural honeyeaters to broadcast live health benefits from unforgettable taste and incredible natural wild flavor of gecoso pure natural honey. Unlike other competitors, it enables customers to share their collective experience to make their lives more fun with a teaspoon of The Liquid Gold every day, everywhere. We also provide beehives loans to locals and collecting it through honey products they have produced.

Sectores Agroindustria, Servicios diversificados, Alimentos y bebidas
Ubicación Mwanza, Tanzania
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