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Venture profile completion: 83%
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  • Some basic profile details are missing

    Please select a location from the list when you enter the address of your venture. If the address is not recognized you can use the city or any other nearby known location.


Gardeners for Africa Limited Giving direction to education


  • Sep 2020
    Founding date
    The venture started operations.
  • Nov 2020
    Secured external funding
    The venture has secured funding from a third party.
  • Nov 2020
    First piloted the product or service
    There are prospective clients using the product or service.
  • Feb 2021
    Secured first paying customer
    The first paying customer is secured.
  • Apr 2021
    First created a pitch deck
    There is a pitch deck explaining the venture.
  • May 2021
    Added a board of directors
    There is a board of directors in place.
  • May 2021
    Incorporate the venture
    The venture is a legal registered entity.
  • First created a prototype
    There is a prototype of the product or service.
  • First reached break-even
    The venture has reached a financial break-even.
  • First generated a profit
    The venture generates a profit.
  • First audited annual accounts
    There are audited annual accounts.
  • Added the management team
    There is a management team in place.
  • Added an advisory board
    There is an advisory board in place.