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Gardeners for Africa Limited Giving direction to education

Cover image of Gardeners for Africa Limited, E-learning venture on VC4A

Gardeners for Africa (G4A) is an edtech startup that tends to recreate reality for the African child, partnering with schools (primary, secondary and tertiary) to teach both ICT and Career Building. Our Target is to reach out to 60 million students/youths each year, while at the same time, significantly improving the academia of African schools. As the G4A tag says “giving direction to education”, the ‘recreating reality’ phrase stated here is within the scope of ‘effectively assisting them to develop a super successful career’ such that each child gets to; understand whom he/she really is, discover their unique genius, discover how best to apply their genius/flair to solve certain challenges that society is faced, for which they are guided to develop passion and grit to follow through as a career. The programme is also designed to equip each African child with the most contemporary ICT knowledge and skills, such that they are better prepared for the present day industrial revolution.

SectorsE-learning, Education, ICT
Location Trans Ekulu Enugu state, Nigeria
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Team4 FTEs, 2 founders (3 shareholders)
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