We are a social enterprise that seeks to raise awareness about the waste of food through the collection of surpluses, its transformation to preserve them and the generation of experiences with impact that help to change consumption habits.
We work with two target groups. 1. People with socioeconomic status C + (medium-high), 25 and 45 years old, because we identify that it is the social group that currently generates the most waste and that has the potential to mark cultural consumption trends. Today, most of the projects that deal with this problem do not address this target group, which we consider vital to make food waste socially unacceptable.
In addition, they are the ones who can consume our products and services. 2. Socio-economic level E. Groups in situations of vulnerability that suffer from food insecurity, which are recipients of the food that we rescue.
Sectors | Business services, Education, Food and beverage |
Location | Guadalajara, Mexico |
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