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Farmartng Connecting small holder farmers to buyers directly

Cover image of Farmartng, Agribusiness venture on VC4A

One of the major challenges faced by small holder farmers in Agriculture is access to reliable market which often result to post harvest loss , this farmers Could produce as much but have to go through layers of intermediaries to sell their products Which make earn less than they deserve and also the same goes to the buyers they need to pay very much to get this product which results to high cost of food. Farmart is leveraging technology to bridge the gap connecting sellers and buyers directly without going through intermediaries.
It would help this local farmers post their products in the platform and if a buyer wants to buy that specific product he would place an order and the seller would notified in order to organise the logistics and also farmart would work with field agents to help build a relationship with both parties and this agents would collect prices of commodities daily in order to stabilise the markets.

Sectors Agribusiness, Agritech
Location Kano, Nigeria
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