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Everstar smart solutions Payment automation for transport system using iot

Cover image of Everstar smart solutions, Public transport venture on VC4A

mpesa serves 87 million users in the east african region and stands as the most common plartform for online payments .Our platform brags of having 600 buses and a revenue of 3.4 million a month .The insuarance companies require PSV policyholders to implement a digital passenger manifest for verification of claimants after the occurrence of accidents.
This will enhance the process of injury claims management as well as adequately respond to the timelines being applied in the small claims court,” .We are looking for 350k usd for 20 percent equity in the company

Collect payments autonomously and auto -verification through lipa na mpesa

Dashboard showing a live cam ,total number of passengers at any given time

Use of AI to auto detect seat numbers that are paid for and not

Monitor speed ,location and even moods of the passengers at any given time

Virtual assistant to alert driver when they are sleepy or distucted while driving

SectorsPublic transport
LocationNgong, Kenya
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