Eazz foods started the mission of drying eggs to make it Easier to use, Easier to Transport and Best for Industrial Purpose, in doing so we developed our own drying technology . With our drying technology, we have partnered with KNUST (Food Science Department) to use one of their building as our drying center for egg drying and also we have partnered with the Ghana Poultry Project (USDA initiative) to source our raw materials (eggs) from 20 small holder women poultry farmers with the total of over 100,000 birds. The sole aim is to guarantee ready market for their eggs even during the glut period and process them into powdered form for various target markets

10 Agribusiness Startups selected to participate in AgriTech Investment Readiness Accelerator
Following a four-phase rigorous and competitive selection process, 10 dynamic and innovative Agritech startups have been selected to partake in the AgriTech Investment Readiness… read more