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E-line vegetgables Indispensable good health


Chief Executive: Gilbert Habihirwe
Founder of Elinevegetables ltd is a business analyst and passion agriculture qualified in Business Administration specialized in
Finance with 4 years of extensive experience in banking, Agriculture and SME’s sector. Through his career he has been adept in
developing business models for small and medium enterprises with the aim of building sustainable and resilient businesses.
Sales officer and customer relation: Daniel Uzabakiriho,
He is qualified in field market trade of agricultural products, he worked in flowers production for a period of 3 years in commerce
and agriculture. He is a young professional intelligence to negotiate markets.
Chief Finance & Logistics: Byukusenge Aline
Aline Byukusenge is a Financial Analyst qualified in Business Administration specialized in Accounting with 3 years of extensive
experience in banking and financial sector, control and allocation of funds and now progress of certified public Accountants(CPA).