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Dvine Brothers (Pty) Ltd Processing and supply of Fly Ash

Cover image of Dvine Brothers (Pty) Ltd, Construcción y fabricación venture on VC4A

Dvine Brothers (“Dvine”) is looking to invest in the South African fly ash sector where short to medium term growth prospects are strong and underpinned by a movement towards decarbonisation of the economy which will naturally lead to a reduction in fly ash available in the medium to long term. This will improve Dvine’s competitive position at Kusile power station where strong advantage exists in terms of proximity to major consuming markets compared to other Eskom power stations. Eskom Rotek Industries (ERI), has awarded Dvine a 10 year fly ash off-take contract that will allow the company to process and remove fly ash @ R8.30/ton from Kusile Power Station for on-sale to the ash beneficiation market. Classified FA is expected to sell for approximately R180 – R240/ton while Unclassified FA should attract an average price of between R95 and R105. At anticipated volumes, sales and prices materialize, Dvine expects turnover of R1.77 billion in 10 years excluding distr costs.

Sectores Construcción y fabricación
Ubicación Delmas, Sudáfrica
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