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Dumot renewable green technology Harness the intensity of the sun and forget about the electric bill

Dumot renewable green technology is a national solution to electricity instability in Nigeria through green portable , affordable and powerful solar system which the company named dumot S1.
Dumot S1 is a locally made pure sine wave solar system which was built by the company to solve the problem of high cost of solar system installation in Nigeria so that no matter your budget is you can have solar system in your house , offices churches, farm etc . This system is very useful for those living in off-grid environment that has no access to electricity at all. Dumot S1 is better than solar kit because it gives room for upgrading and it can be used to run power hungry appliances and devices. We also provide free solar and wind turbine consultation to the public, we will not only give our clients solar system we will also teach them how to use solar in a smart way and save money. We are committed to harnessing the intensity of the sun and make you forget electricity bill forever.

Sectores Energía renovable, Energía solar, Energía eólica
Ubicación Lagos, Nigeria
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