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DEV.F Scalable and accessible tech education for latam.

DEV.F is building a scalable tech-based solution so that millions of people in LATAM can have access to education that leads to high quality employment opportunities. These people don’t have access to quality education because it is either too expensive or because good public schools have limited space. We understand that the biggest problem with education in LATAM is access, which is why we have built a digital Campus to offer our students tech education that leads to well-paying jobs at a very affordable price. Our vision is to acquire many tens of thousands of active students with this affordable price, so that we are not just another bootcamp that makes money charging tuition fees, but to build the largest student community in the region and monetize at scale charging for other services — financial services, recruitment services, income-share-agreements (ISAs), special discounts for products, etc. We seek to open access to great professional opportunities to millions in LATAM.

Sectors Education, Educational products, Educational services
Location Ciudad de México, Mexico
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