Add your venture

With a venture profile you can:


Creating a venture profile is simple and only takes 5 minutes. Provide basic information about your company and enrich the profile with additional information after publishing the page. Take a moment to review our guidelines to be sure your venture is a good fit.

Venture details

Tell us in just a few words what your business is about.

Be as short, concise and to the point as possible. Tell us what you do and why your business has potential.

This can be the URL to your Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion video or Slideshare presentation.

Reset Location

Please include country number.

Multiple customer models can be selected

Multiple answers possible. Select urban if your customers are mostly in towns and cities. Select rural if they are mostly in villages and rural areas.

In which industry is your company most active? Select maximum 3 sectors.

Select the countries you are currently targeting with your product or service.

Online presence

If you don't have a website, please provide your business’ social media page (such as Facebook or LinkedIn)