Tanzania Impact Investment Forum

Catalyzing Impact-Driven Investments

The Government of Switzerland has supported bilateral and regional projects in Tanzania since the early 1960s. In 1981, Tanzania became a priority country for official Swiss development assistance. The Swiss Cooperation Programme in Tanzania 2021 – 2025 aims to empower young people, especially poor young women, to advance socially and economically through three cross-sectoral outcomes: (i) strengthening state institutions, (ii) promoting civic space and (iii) improving youth livelihoods.

Switzerland’s Interest

Switzerland is committed to supporting innovative private-sector initiatives that facilitate the creation of decent jobs and foster a thriving ecosystem for High Impact Organizations (HIOs). By championing business-led solutions, Switzerland seeks to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as part of its collaboration with Tanzania. Key efforts include:

Catalyzing Impact-Driven Investments
Introducing Swiss-pioneered Impact-Linked Finance instruments to attract both private and public investment in Tanzanian enterprises.

Strengthening the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
Supporting incubation and acceleration programs for ecosystem enablers in Tanzania.

Collaborating with organizations like the Tanzanian Startup Association to create a supportive regulatory and operational environment for SMEs.

Empowering Youth and Women
Promoting initiatives that enhance economic opportunities for young people and women as entrepreneurs, employees, suppliers, and consumers.


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Targets Tanzania
Sectors Sector agnostic

