RDC – Concours de Plans d’Affaires – PME établies

Une initiative lancée par le PADMPME pour soutenir l’entrepreneuriat Congolais

The Business Plan Competition aims to strengthen entrepreneurship capacities, accelerate job creation, enable a local transformation-based economy and facilitate the transition to a formal economy.

Program Objectives

  • Strengthening the entrepreneurial capacities of young people and established SMEs through a combination of financial and non-financial interventions to improve the growth and performance of SMEs
  • Building a pipeline of a new generation of entrepreneurs to expand the local MSMEs operating in the productive sectors
  • Contributing to employment and stability by strengthening the resilience of a formal and informal SME base

A competition dedicated to SMEs divided into 2 cohorts > Approach for each of the 2 cohorts: Launching the call for applications, accompanied by the deployment of the communication plan and awareness-raising campaign to reach a maximum number of entrepreneurs


December 16, 2020
Program dates Sep 30, 2020-Sep 30, 2021
Organizer PADMPME
Targets Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Sectors Agribusiness, Business services, Manufacturing
