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Grow your business and join the entrepreneurial super league
The GrowthAfrica accelerator programme is demanding, but so is success! The programme and our support is designed to help you scale your venture, make it investment ready and develop your entrepreneurial leadership.
The aim of the 6 months’ programme is to accelerate and unlock significant growth in your business.
To apply for the programme in Uganda click here and for Kenya click here.
Download the APPLICATION PACKAGE and FAQS here if you wish to prepare off-line.
Application details Application opening: 23rd January 2017 Application deadline: Friday, March 12, 2017 – at midnight
Programme and methodology The programme consists of a 5-days’ boot camp and then subsequently six 3-days workshops where we establish the foundation and equip you with tools to diagnose your business and devise strategies to optimize your business in all conceivable areas.
After each workshop you will work in-company with the assistance of your mentor, growth catalyst, financial modeller and sages to implement your new strategies and innovations – boosting your growth trajectory in significant ways.
Workshops are out Wednesday-Friday every four weeks, providing you with time to apply what you learned, plan and prepare for the next workshop, and keep your focus running and developing your business. Who are we looking for? We are looking for ambitious, committed and innovative entrepreneurs whose post-revenue businesses are creating a positive impact in the communities they work in, either through their products or services or business model – particularly if:
– You already have an innovative product or service in the market and have paying customers
– You have a team of co-founders with a balanced skillset, who are ambitious, talented, committed and willing to learn from their peers and the GrowthAfrica team
– Your team have a burning desire to make the business the next big thing and scale internationally and making the business an impactful multimillion dollar success story
Sectors We are open to all sectors but have a soft spot for:
Agribusiness Education IT/mobile solutions Fintech Renewable energy Construction and affordable housing Water & sanitation Health Manufacturing/processing Renewable energy
What does it cost? The total value of these copious resources is in excess of USD 50,000 per participating venture – but we naturally do not expect you to pay this upfront. But we do think it is fair that the success we inevitably will co-create with you is shared – so we ask all ventures to pay us subsequently by sharing:
– 1% of your revenue – 2% of your equity – 3% of investments raised
We only expect this from you if we help you:
– Double your revenue or – Triple your profit or – Help you raise at least USD 250,000
That is our guarantee to you: Your success is our success!
Apply Please click on the links to apply for either the Kenyan or Uganda programme.