Banco Economico

Red Woman, my ally.

Red Woman, Mi Aliada was created for women entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, in the framework of Corporate Social Responsibility, to encourage their inclusion in the national financial system and improve their experience in our organization, diminishing and/or eliminating the social and cultural barriers that keep them from the financial system. We seek to provide you with opportunities to boost your business growth, and to promote your personal, family and economic well-being, through financial and non-financial products and services developed according to your characteristics and needs. We promote cooperation among business women by generating a community so that they can meet, interact and promote their development from the expansion of their contact networks.

Join the largest community of women entrepreneurs in the country! Sign up for free and learn about webinars, activities and more benefits that we have for you!

Banco Economico

Banco Economico


Website Visit website
Location La Paz, Bolivia
Targets Bolivia
Sectors Sector agnostic
SDG (3)
10. Reduced Inequality, 17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal, 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
