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Accelerating technological innovation projects in Costa Rica
PITs is a program of the University Agency for the Management of Entrepreneurship (AUGE), the UCR Foundation and the Unit of Management and Transfer of Knowledge for Innovation (PROINNOVA). PITs is supported by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Telecommunications of Costa Rica (MICITT), has the support of PROPELS: interuniversity commission of entrepreneurship promoters of the five state universities (TEC, UNED, UNA, UCR and UTN).
The program will encourage the creation of projects and technology-based companies in the following sectors:
These sectors were defined taking into account the areas of The most developed science and technology in the country, identified within the National Plan of Science, Technology and Innovation 2015-2021 (PNCTI) of the MITITT and the State of Science, Technology and Innovation (ECCTI) Report of the State of the Nation, in order to emphasize also in the quantity of research units, installed capacity, research groups, research projects and linking services.
The fourth sector, called Intelligent Society, arises from the need to integrate the areas of Info-technology and Cogno-technology and to cover those projects and technology-based companies that are not located in the previous three and have technology that constitutes a competitive advantage. This also allows you to include one of the priority projects of the MITITT, as is the case with Smart Cities.