ASEP – Asociación de Emprendedores de Perú

Entrepreneurs with the same dream: making it easier to start in Peru

We are the Association of Entrepreneurs, and we want to return to Peru a better country to undertake. We seek to promote and defend entrepreneurship so that all people can realize their dreams in a free and barrier-free way

We were born in early 2014 and gradually moved forward with our goals and goals. Today we are more than 15,000 members in all regions of the country. We are also founding members of the Association of Entrepreneurs of Latin America-Asela and we have a Latin American level with over 80 thousand members. Our team, directory and founding partners are mostly made up of entrepreneurs who have lived the experience of starting a business in Peru and know the barriers and difficulties, so today they seek to help new entrepreneurs so that through their experience it is easier to undertake them.


It aims to collaborate with the learning of entrepreneurs in the different stages of the development of their enterprises, enhancing their impact on the market and developing their potential scale. We offer entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs mentories, workshops, talks and academic courses in order to accelerate the learning curve and avoid errors in the development of their ideas in an in-person and virtual way.


The entrepreneur is at the heart of what we do for this purpose we seek to help him navigate in the entrepreneurial community by giving them tools and promoting the formation of solid networks that allow them to expand their business networks, attract clients, investors and future partners at the level of


We live in a world where information is within reach of everyone, so it has become a basic tool for making the most important decisions of our lives, businesses and enterprises are no exception. We want our entrepreneurs to always have the updated, filtered and prepared information so that their enterprises can excel in a globalized world. In addition to the presentation of ideas, stories and projects all through our main channels.

Voice of the Entrepreneur

We propose the development of Public Policies from a different approach that comes from the reality of the Entrepreneurs, the criterion of development and their perceptions regarding the formalization and the performance of their enterprises. We work hand in hand with the different sectors of government, the political and business actors to shape it and to be able to present our proposals in different instances.


The main function of DEFEM, the legal pillar of ASEP, is to advise and assist entrepreneurs in the various stages of their enterprises in terms of legal issues in all branches of law. Through various alliances with prestigious studies of lawyers, specialized, we generate advice and consultancies. Likewise, we jointly develop documents and legal manuals that contain the basic information that each entrepreneur must know before and during the development of his/her entrepreneurship.

ASEP – Asociación de Emprendedores de Perú

ASEP – Asociación de Emprendedores de Perú


Website Visit website
Location Peru
Targets Peru
Sectors Sector agnostic
