What is AEDIB|NET project?
It is a European H2020 funded project meant as a first step for a broader approach to strengthen an African-European innovation ecosystem.
The project begins by sharing on how to fill digitalization and innovation policy gaps, continues by building digital and entrepreneurship capacity and finally pursuits the creation of three DIHs in Africa, with up to twelve potential DIHs benefitting from a full training programme providing their staffs the knowledge, skills and mentoring support for their set up, establishing the market places, connecting them to private financial stakeholders such as business angels networks, and establishing transcontinental linkages with experts and organizations that will provide the DIHs collaboration opportunities in a context where best practices and experience are shared to establish solid foundations for the DIHs’ development and sustainability in the long term.
The twelve selected DIHs under this Pre-Commercialization Procurement Invitation are meant to play a relevant role as reference starting points for a Pan-African-European digital innovation bridge and as a source of experience and knowledge to apply in the implementation of future digital innovation hubs in this continent.